

It's a Pastel Day

Love these happy stacks of crochet... There are quite a few of these stacks, most of them neatly tucked away in boxes in my little studio... Sometimes I open a box at random and am surprised by what I find... Pieces I had forgotten about... I take a picture and stow them away again... Maybe I should open an Etsy shop after all. ;-)

byHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, mandala, pastel

I'm curious to know what you do with the work you make.

byHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, mandala, pastel

byHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, mandala, pastel

The weather is getting sunny here again and I'm hoping to do a spot of outside crocheting this weekend. Looking forward to that.

Thanks for your visit. Wishing you a lovely day!


  1. I Love tons pastéis.Boa quinta.Valéria.(Brasil).

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind comment. (And I LOVE Brasil!)

  2. Qué hermosos colores! Yo también tengo varias cosas esparcidas por todos lados y luego ya no sé ni que hacer con ellos n.n
    que tengas bonito casi fin de semana ^u^

    1. Thank you, that is very kind of you! Have a lovely day! xh

  3. I also like pastel colors. And yes, sometimes i find unfinished things but these usually get back in the closet :-)
    Recently I sent a few grannies to someone who asked for help on FB to quickly create a blanket.
    Hopefully I do not write too many mistakes in English.

    Have a nice day, greetings Tinne

    1. Je Engels is helemaal prima! Maar we kunnen ook gezellig in het Nederlands kletsen. ;-) Wat leuk om mee te werken aan een deken met/door verschillende hakers! Fijne dag nog!

  4. Beautiful pastels! I encountered an unfinished project today, not bad actually, but like Tinne's projects; it ended up back in the closet :-O

    1. Ah yes, it happens... ;-) All those WiP's... But I do believe that even unfinished projects have their purpose, because you learn something from every project. - At least so I hope with my impressive nr. of WiP's! ;-) Thanks for commenting, really appreciated! Lovely day to you.

  5. I never make anything I am not going to use. Potholders get plenty used in my house and it doesn't take long for them to "look" used and grimy from stains that won't wash out. So I am careful to not make something really pretty for everyday use. I keep a stack of pretties like this to put out when company comes or to use as wall art.

    1. Thanks for sharing! You're right, a potholder is always a good idea! Thanks and have a lovely day!

  6. Heerlijke haakwerkjes!!

    Groetjes van Ellebel

    1. Dank je wel en een fijne dag gewenst!
      Groet! xhaafner

  7. Pretty pastels... I do have a few I shall finish those one day projects, stuffed in bags in various cupboards, though I don't tend to make things without knowing what I shall use them for. My husband may disagree...

    1. ;-) Thanks for sharing! It's interesting to read everybody has his/her own approach to this issue! Wishing you a lovely day!

  8. They look lovely. I think we all have some small projects stored away, we don't know what to do with them but we can't part with them either.
    I usually make blankets with matching squares and save the others for potholders or washclothes. :-)

    1. So true! Thanks for sharing your solution. I'm thinking a mismatched blanket would be a great idea for combining all those small finished projects! A lovely day to you! xh

  9. Your pastel crochet is beautiful. I'm quite ruthless, if a piece has been around for a while and I haven't found a blanket or other use for it I'll usually rip it out and use the yarn for something else, maybe because I haven't got a lot of space. Hx
