

Pink meets Hemp

Last weekend I made this potholder.
(Yes, another one...)
The front is made of organic hemp yarn,
the back & edging of cotton.
I quite like the combination of the rough & soft textures.

ByHaafner, crochet, potholder, pastel, granny square, pink, organic hemp yarn, Rosenthal teapot, crochet crabstitch

If you're interested in the pattern, it's as simple as it looks. :-)
The front is a granny square of nine rows.
The back is a solid square, also of nine rounds.
I used a 3 mm hook.
The pattern for the back is as follows (American terminology):

ByHaafner, crochet, potholder, pastel, granny square, pink, organic hemp yarn, Rosenthal teapot, crochet crabstitch

Chain 6 and slipstitch to form a ring.
 Round 1:
20 double crochet (dc) in the ring. Join with a slipstitch.
 Round 2:
[in 1 dc of the previous round: 2 dc, chain 2, 2 dc. Then 1 dc in each of the next 4 stitches.] 4x.
Join with a slipstitch.
 Round 3
[in the corner space: 2dc, chain 2, 2 dc. Then dc in each of the next stitches till the next corner space.] 4x
Join with a slipstitch. 
♦ Rounds 4-9: repeat round 3. (The number of stitches between the corners will increase.)

ByHaafner, crochet, potholder, pastel, granny square, pink, organic hemp yarn, Rosenthal teapot, crochet crabstitch

For the loop you can use a key chain as a base, then single crochet on it.
You can sew or crochet it to your potholder (I did a bit of both.)
I then single crocheted the back and front together, using the cotton (one round).
To make an edging I used the crab stitch, which is fun doing.
It's a backward single crochet; on YouTube you'll find lots of great tutorials.

Okay, that's quite enough about one potholder.
I hope you haven't falling asleep. :-)
Thanks for visiting! Wishing you all a very fine day.


  1. Wow, I love the edging stitch! Never heard of the crab stitch but I'm sure to look it up. I've been looking for a neat stitch to finish some of my WIP's and this might be suitable for a few of them. Thanks ;)

    love, Kirsten

  2. Beautiful colours. The tea pot is lovely too. Time to go make a cup of tea methinks

    1. Thanks! Yes, making yourself a cup of tea is always a good idea. :-)

  3. Simple, but so nice. I actually need one, so I will give it a try...Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Very pretty. I like the yarn combination.

  5. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pattern!! Love the colors! Have a lovely day! xo Heather

  6. it's lovely, thank you for the pattern. The 'crab' stich is really effective. It all looks very sophisticated with the finer yarn and pretty colours! Heather x

  7. so lovely ,very soft color ,and very new border,thanks for sharing the pattern with us,xox,zohreh
