

Colours, Culture and Whatnot ~ Snapshots for Inspiration #1

Thanks for the kind comments on my travel blanket! I haven't had the opportunity to give a reaction to the comment, but I will soon.

I use my phone and camera often to make a snapshot of what strikes or inspires me. Whether at home or while travelling. It can be anything really: a colour - or a combination of colours, forms, texture, an (often not intended) styling, light - or shadows, a book or even the pavement. The pictures in itself don't have any artistic pretention. ;-) Sometimes I wonder if can 'translate' something I like into a crochet pattern. Ha!
Today, and later this week, I will share just a few of these shots here.

ByHaafner, pink flowers, crochet doily, collage

The print of my dress corresponded with the shadows in the gorgeous CM University Art Center. I tried to blend in. ;-)
ByHaafner, shadows, vintage dress, pastel blue
Thanks for dropping by ~ see you soon!
PS. Does anybody know what the name of that pink flowered tree is in the first collage? I'm quite smitten with it...)


  1. Sawadee Ka! That gorgeous plant is called a Bougainvillea. I'll keep my eyes peeled for the pattern ;-) No doubt you are filled with new inspiration!

  2. I agree with Magda : that land is a Bougaivillea!!!! I have a dark fuchsia one in my garden!!!! xxxxxx Ale

  3. A beautiful flower indeed. Love your skirt - urban camouflage I think! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  4. So pretty!!! Is it maybe a Hydrangea bush? Happy weekend! xo Holly

  5. Yes, the flower is a bougainvillae. We have plenty of them in Spain, that little one likes warm climates. :-)

  6. Look how your blanket brings all the colours together!

    I don't think there's a farm in drier parts of South Africa without a bougainvilla. They make great living fences and thrive in dry climates and poor soil conditions.

  7. Oh how I love Bougainvillea's they are so pretty and always remind me of being back in South Africa, so thank you for sharing them here. Loving all your colours and can completely see why you were inspired. xoxo

  8. Woho, I feel really stupid for not recognizing the bougainville... Anyways, thanks everybody for helping me out here! Love, I wished I lived in a climate where this beautiful flowers thrive...
