
About Haafner

Welcome to my blog. I’m a maker, designer and - of course! – crocheter, based in the Netherlands.

A couple of years ago I picked up a crochet hook and never put it down again. It’s such a versatile craft. Even with a few simple stitches you can create something stunning. However, crochet stitches can also be intricate or delicate. Crochet allows you to create amazing and tactile textures. I love to explore all kinds of stitches and techniques.

Fairly soon after I first picked up that hook I also started this blog. It’s wonderful that a craft like crochet connects people. We share patterns (where possible and permissible!) and inspiration and often enjoy and like the same things. The appreciation for creating and handmade goes beyond boundaries that otherwise often divide people. I’m very excited about the revival of and new esteem for the craft movement that is currently going on.

With the love for crochet comes the appreciation of beautiful yarns… I’m sure I’m not alone in that. ;-) Therefore you’ll also find a fair amount of yarn pictures here…

Thanks for your lovely visit & happy crocheting.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your love for all things beautiful and crochet. I came across your blog via Anabelia's and I must confess that I find yours as delightful and inspirational as hers !!
