

Studio Snippets

Hello there, crafty friends! How are you? Many thanks for your kind comments on my last post, they made me feel over the moon!

No finished stuff today... But I'd like to share some snapshots from my workplace.

ByHaafner, crochet, studio,

My dotted blanket is slowly progressing. Actually, eventually it was a very speedy progress, but recently I have been lacking time again. And I want this one to be a big, heavy, snuggly blanket - in short: I have still some rows to work on. ;-) By the way, I was inspired by the circles of this lovely blanket from Three Beans in a Pod to make ribbed dots for this one. (The squares are different though.)

ByHaafner, crochet, studio, desk

Bunny resting on a couple of doilies.

ByHaafner, crochet doilies

My little notebook in which I scribble down my patterns and my flashes of crochet related *Eureka!* moments.

ByHaafner, notebook

Here is the blanket again. As you can see I decided to abandon the powdery pink from the first picture.

ByHaafner, crochet, dotted blanket, blue hues, pastel,
One more, just because close ups of yarn make me happy... (I'm sure there are worse things that make people happy...)

ByHaafner, crochet, dotted blanket, blue hues, pastel,
And another sample, but *wow* - what a gorgeous hook is that?! I tell you more about this handmade beauty - and where to get it - in a next post!

ByHaafner, crochet, sample, pink, handmade wooden crochet hook

Because now, it's already getting late, and the alarm clock will sound early enough tomorrow... Many thanks for your visit & have a lovely week!


  1. Wonderful colours of the blanket - and great inspiration.

  2. That is indeed a very beautiful hook. And such lovely yarn colours. The blanket is looking great, I shall look forward to seeing it when it's finished.

  3. Great circle blanket! I'm working on circles also, but for another purpose.

  4. Great dotted blanket! I love the color combination and your inspiration notebook too! Have a fantastic week!

  5. Hello! What a lovely post, such beautiful photos!
    Nice to see your work space (loving the cute Hema boxes by the way, I got one of them as well because I love their Triangle designs!!!)
    Beautiful powdery pastels! <3
    Your circle blanket will be lovely!
    And that hook looks amazing, does it feel good when you use it? (It's amazing how much your hands can ache after a long bout of crochet, so a good hook is a must!)
    Have a nice week!
    Ingrid xx

  6. Nice craftroom, lovely creations...
    Have a nice day !

  7. your studio looks like a calm place to work in ….. I like that!
    your crochet blanket is gorgeous and that hook …. amazing!!!
    xxxxxx ale

  8. I love the colours of your blanket, and I must have the crochet notebook for patterns and other ideas. Thanks for the good idea. Greetings from Poland.

  9. I love close up pics of yarn too, nothing wrong with that! Thanks for being very inspirational, Sam xx

  10. Hi Haafner, I would love to send you a roll of JungleVine yarn to see what you think of it's usefulness or versatility in crochet. If you would accept some JungleVine from me, and crochet a sample at your convenience, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Please contact me at, and I'll get it sent right out to you.
