

I don't eat my shoes

Nope, I really don't eat my shoes.
Still... I only wear vegetarian shoes.

vegan shoes, vegetarian shoes, vintage fabric, green, beyond skin, red

There's a lot of animal suffering involved in the leather industry.

vegan shoes, vegetarian shoes, vintage fabric, green

So I wear vintage-style shoes -
Without the cruelty.
(Well... the high heels are definitely somewhat cruel to me.)

1 comment:

  1. I love the vegan posts on your blog. So much delicious food! Keep showing such yummy looking cakes and you are bound to make people curious.

    Your shoes are gorgeous. Vegans are often critised for wearing leather, well usually it isn't but just looks like it. Which is the point really.

    Your crochet is soft, pretty and lovely too. I'm enjoying your blog on my first visit. I will be back again:)

    Thank you

