

Crochet Cape

Well. Can you believe it? (I can't!) Last weekend I began and actually finished a project. Hooray! It seems ages ago I could last show a finished project, so I hereby proudly present you my new cape... (Apologies for the number of photos.)

ByHaafner, Japanese crochet pattern, crochet cape
The pattern is from a Japanese crochet book (I'll share the book details later in this post). I've been wanting to make this cape for over a year (it was the reason I bought the book), but somehow I never found the right yarn. Something woolly, I wanted, but I never use real wool. Enter: Stone Washed XL by the Dutch brand Scheepjeswol, a new yarn. Judging from what I see from fellow-bloggers it has quickly has become quite popular here in The Netherlands. It's made of cotton with a special acrylic coating. The offwhite ('moonstone') fitted the bill perfectly. (Mmm, I realise I sound like an ad here, but it's not.)

It was such a delight to whip up this pattern, which I followed except for the collar. The pattern called for a knitted collar, but I can't knit... And even if I could I wouldn't have understood the Japanese directions at that point. So, I came up with this simple alternative: A crocheted rectangular of single crochet rows, using back loops only, hence the ribs. I later single crocheted the collar to the cape. Piece of cake! And, if I may say so myself..., I quite like how it turned out, the ribs make it elastic and wearable. Okay, here's a close up. ;-)

ByHaafner, Japanese crochet pattern, crochet cape

All practicalities in short...
 Pattern: from Crochet & Cape (2008), more details below
♦ Collar: Rectangular made of single crochets, back loops only to create a rib
 Crochet hook: 5,5 mm
♦ Yarn: nine balls of Stone Washed XL (colour moonstone), by Scheepjeswol
♦ Light blocking (a night between wet towels with something heavy on top - not me)

ByHaafner, Japanese crochet pattern, crochet cape

Okay, let's do one more close up of the collar. ;-)

ByHaafner, Japanese crochet pattern, crochet cape

The pattern is from this fabulous Japanese crochet & knitting book from the Let's knit series. Published in 2008 by Nihon Vogue pubishers. This particular book is out of print, but I think there are still some copies available. I bought mine in the Etsy shop Pomadour24 which has loads of pattern books. 

ByHaafner, japanese crochet book, poncho & cape
So... I guess this really is all there is to tell about the making of one cape. The wearing of it is a whole new chapter of course. ;-) 

Many thanks for your lovely visit and chat!
Have lots of fun with all your creative adventures.


Colour me Bright & Happy

As much as I love naturals, I do enjoy a good pop of colour. Today feels like it could do with a little colour injection. So here it is!

Nothing can sheer a dull day up like a colourful pile of crocheted blankets. Agree?

Although confetti is a good second best...

ByHaafner, crochet, confetti

And here's more confetti... ;-)

ByHaafner, crochet, potholder, flowers

By the way, patterns for a similar potholder can be found on Ravelry. Search for a daisy potholder. Oh, and in case you're wondering: sure, I always carry a bunch of crochet hooks in my hair. ;-) 

Have a good week!


New Yarn and a Sample

Hello crafty friends,
Hopefully you've had a lovely weekend.

Thanks for the kind comments on my last post. In case you were one of the admirers of that mesh bag: Alas! I did not make it myself... I wish! I bought it in Laos, and in case you'd like more information about the materials, and how and by whom it's produced, you can find the website here: Nature Bag.

ByHaafner, crochet sample, lacy scallop stitch, Limited by Wolcafé

I thought I'd share this sample with you. Made with this cotton yarn: Limited by Wolcafé which is made in The Netherlands; maybe you have seen it popping up on other Dutch crochet blogs. I just couldn't resist it when I *accidently* came across it. In a yarn shop. ;-)

Originally my idea was to make one big shawl, but I might make a small vest instead. One ball should be enough since it's almost one kilometre of yarn... Either way, I think I'll leave it lying around for a while until real inspiration hits. ;-)

ByHaafner, cotton yarn, Limited by Wolcafé

In case you're interested in the pattern for this sample, here's my quick attempt to draw a chart. (The picture below doesn't do justice to the subtile grey of this yarn.)

ByHaafner, crochet chart, pattern, lacy shells

This evening I hope to finish a few more squares of my polkadot blanket. Did you do manage to do any crocheting last weekend?

 Have a lovely week! 


All natural

Oops, it has been a while. A short post to catch up... Many thanks for your kind comments on previous posts - I really (really, really) appreciate them. I'm way behind visiting all your lovely blogs, and I can hardly wait to fill that gap. I miss my daily dose of inspiration from around the globe!

ByHaafner, natural fibres, cotton yarn

Today I would like to share some natural fibres and muted colours. Hope you like it! 

I have been abroad quite a lot recently and whenever I have to travel, I take yarn and hook with me - of course. (Even if I don't always have the opportunity to crochet, I feel rather amputated without my tools...)  I have been working on this circle blanket. The lovely cotton cakes (which I bought in Thailand) are too bulky and heavy to carry with me.

ByHaafner, twine, bamboo, natural fibres, crochet hooks

 Hence I hand wind smaller balls of this yarn and take them with me like this.

ByHaafner, natural fibres, cotton yarn

Will be back soon(er)! Thanks for your visit. It's an honour to have you here! Have a lovely week.