


ByHaafner, dots, crochet, bobble stitch, hot pad, Cath Kidston teapot, white & colours

This teapot was a present - many years ago - from a dear friend,
when she came to visit me from England.
Yesterday I felt it urgently needed a matching hot pad.
(Does that kind of urge sound familiar to you at all,
or should I better consult my doctor?)

ByHaafner, dots, crochet, bobble stitch, hot pad, Cath Kidston teapot, white & colours

I applied the dots after crocheting the white circle.
Each dot is a bobble stitch made of six dc (American terminology).

ByHaafner, dots, crochet, bobble stitch, hot pad, Cath Kidston teapot, white & colours

Wishing you a lovely day


What a surprise - a new doily

A couple of weeks ago I made this doily,
the pattern comes from a crochet book I thrifted for 70 cents.
I like the powdery pink, I use it quite often for doilies.

Work in progress...
ByHaafner, crochet, doily, pink, pastel, blue skirt, work in progress

This is the doily pre-blocking...
ByHaafner, crochet, doily, pink, pastel,

And below it is after blocking.
In a minimalistic setting. ;-)
You know what? I prefer this one pre-blocking.
It looks, I don't know how to say it, well,
it just looks softer that way.
(But then again, I might just not like this pattern too much.)

ByHaafner, crochet, doily, pink, pastel

And since we are outside on the terrace already,
here are some Dutch organic tulips for you.

ByHaafner, tulips, yellow and red, container gardening

Have a lovely day.
Stay creative!


So - I hit the jackpot

The doily jackpot, that is...
I often look with surprise at the wonderful potholders and doilies
other bloggers thrift at what seems to be a weekly base. :-)

ByHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, vintage, thrifted

ByHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, vintage, thrifted

I guess The Netherlands is not the best country
for finding that kind of second hand treasures.
That - or I'm just a lousy thrifter.

ByHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, vintage, thrifted

Until yesterday!
When I found these wonderful, delicate, crocheted doilies...

ByHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, vintage, thrifted

I bought every single one of them. And love them.
I hope you like seeing them too.

ByHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, vintage, thrifted

ByHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, vintage, thrifted

ByHaafner, crochet, doilies, doily, vintage, thrifted

Have a wonderful day!


About a promise and crochet...

You might or might not remember that there was one thing
I never ever wanted to crochet.
A potholder.
Or so I thought when I first learned to crochet...

Well - unless you're new to this blog,
you know I didn't keep that promise to myself.
Not quite.

ByHaafner, crochet, puff stitch, tea cosy, wip, pastel

There was one other thing of which I thought:
Not in this life.

And there you are.
A tea cosy...

ByHaafner, crochet, puff stitch, tea cosy, pastel

So much for principles, hey?
Enjoy your weekend!
(With a nice cup of tea perhaps?)