

Powder Pastels

ByHaafner, crockery, plate pastel, crochet, granny stripe, granny chic, work in progress, cushions

New, small crochet project in the making:
a granny stripes cushion (probably).
Vaguely inspired by the pastel crockery.

ByHaafner, crockery, plate pastel, crochet, granny stripe, granny chic, work in progress, cushions

It's a serious case of procrastination (again).
Should be finishing two crochet throws
- or rather: do some serious work-work instead.

ByHaafner, pastel, crochet, granny stripe, granny chic, work in progress, cushions


Outside - Inside

Just two weeks ago we were swimming in the sea under a perfect blue sky.
(Quite unexpectedly, because we didn't have much of a summer here.)
And now, suddenly, it's autumn. Very much so.
Rain is pooring down day after day, it's cold, it's windy and, I must say:
It does have it own charm!

ByHaafner, crochet, pillow, throw, vegan yarn, mustard-green-ocre

So, instead of sulking about a summer that never really started,
(except for that one day)
let's embrace autumn, with it's own happiness.
Blend in some seventies styling for the ultimate autumn feeling.

ByHaafner, vases, West-Germany, Jasba, thrifted, vintage, secondhand

Snuggle under your handmade crochet throw, with a good book.
The cat purring next to you.

ByHaafner, crochet, pillow, throw, vegan yarn, mustard-green-ocre

You might even start purring yourself.

ByHaafner, seventies cup, crochet doily, flower pattern

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Kidney Beans Brighten Up Any Teatime

Q: 'Where do you, as a vegan, get your proteins?'
A: 'Why - brownies of course.'

With these brownies this conversations can become reality.
Main ingredient: kidney beans. Love it!

 Animal Friendly Teatime


Fluttering Thoughts

Of course - I know it's kitsch.
But for 50 cents I couldn't resist this sweet little bird at the thriftshop...
ByHaafner, bird, granny square, cross stitch roses, crochet, flower wallpaper, granny chic

It's nice enough to give a little kitsch bird a new home,
but real birds are the ones that really need our protection.
Today the Dutch queen wore a hat made of feathers...
Many birds died for that silly hat.

ByHaafner, bird, granny square, flower wallpaper, granny chic, crochet, vintage cards, potholder


Round & round & round

ByHaafner, crochet, round, doily, pastel

Not sure yet if this is finished yet, I'm tempted to make it bigger.
And what to use it for? A cushion, a doily?

ByHaafner, crochet, round, doily, pastel

I'm not following any pattern.
I started it with the idea of making (another?!) potholder.